The Starlight Blogger Award!

I thought I would do a cheeky midweek post for you all ;) *kind I know* My bestest bestest bestest blogging friend, Hannah kindly nominated me for the Starlight Blogger Award (read her post over on here)! Give her a little follow on Twitter/Bloglovin as well because, well... SHE IS A BABE! 
The rules: 
1) Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog.
2) Answer the 3 questions that are given to you.
3) Pass the award on to six or more Bloggers of your choice, and let them know that they have been nominated.

1) What are some of the little things that made you smile/laugh this week?
Well, funny you should ask this Hannah because YOU are one of the reasons why I have laughed and smiled this week! I have had a tough week (emotionally) but you have managed to help me look at all the positives in my life (as always) so THANK YOU! Also, on Friday my best friend will be coming down from Norfolk with her sister and we are all going to go and see One Direction!!!!!!! *dances* Then I might be seeing a few people who make me incredibly happy before they all go and leave me for uni *cries*!

2) What are your favourite types of posts to write/read? (Product reviews/nail looks/tips/advice/personal/DIY and crafty etc.) You all write such fabulous, yet varied content, so it would be interesting to know!
I love writing lifestyle posts... anything from advice/tips to explaining how I feel etc... I like to see this little corner of the internet as a safe and happy place. I use it as my journal I guess! It's always nice to look back on old posts and see how I've developed over time :) 

3) Think of the one question that you would love to be asked, and answer that question! (No, this isn't due to lack of creativity I promise haha! But sometimes set questions can prevent people from telling us something they'd like to talk about :D, so do it!) 
Trust you to come up with a question that I actually can't write a decent answer for gahhhh! Hmm, maybe "How are you feeling?!" ... I do get asked this a lot, but I generally hide how I'm truly feeling/put on a brave face and plod along through life! But in all honesty, at the moment I am feeling crap! I guess it's because I am going through a massive change in my life with uni/generally growing up, so I feel a bit anxious and lost (if that makes any sense at all?!) I feel like I'm outgrowing people and I just want to start fresh! I also don't want to say goodbye to some people that I have grown to be really close to these past few months :( All I can say is, ROLL ON CHRISTMAS! (Do you ever just want to be around these people constantly so that you're always happy?! Because this is my dilemma right now!) 

Thank you once again Hannah for nominating me! I love you so so so so so so so so much <3

My nominees are...
Becky @ALittleRosy

My questions to you lovely lot are:

1) What's one thing you would personally want to change about the blogging community?/Is there anything you would change?
2) What are you most excited about for Autumn/Fall?
3) How are you feeling recently?! Let it all out on here! 

I hope you all liked this midweek post!
If you haven't been nominated but want to answer the questions, then by all means do (Link it to me so I can see your lovely answers!) or you can leave your answers in the comment below :)
I am starting Uni tomorrow so I am not sure how much time I am going to have to write posts, but I will try my best to get one up weekly for you all :)


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