About me


After 8 years of blogging and regularly updating this page, I still do not know what to say on here. I guess I will start by saying, my name is Sophie, I am 24 years old and I am a Social Media Officer. I graduated from the University of Greenwich in 2018, with a First Class Honours degree in Advertising and Marketing Communications.

I started my blog in 2013 when I was a shy 16-year-old, desperate to have a creative outlet. Fast forward 6 years and here I am. Little did I know that this blog would be award-winning and give me the chance to meet other bloggers who I class as my best friends. 

I blog about life in general, mental health, beauty, relationships, and everything in between. I am open to collaborations and sponsorships, for gifted items or for a fee. If you would like to find out more, check out my 'Press' page where you can find my contact details and previous work. 

You can also find me on:

Twitter: @PetalsofPerfect

Instagram: @petalsofperfection

If you ever want to contact me my DMs are always open! You can also email me over at petalsofperfectionblog@outlook.com

Enjoy reading my blog and having a nosey into my somewhat eventful life... grab your tea or popcorn!


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